IS 2005 / 4th
Sculpture Competition / Jury
Brit Bunkley is currently the head of sculpture at the Quay School
of the Arts, Wanganui Polytechnic in Wanganui, New Zealand. He moved
there from NYC with his family in 1995.
He had spent 16 yeas there as a working sculptor and photographer,
where he designed and built numerous commissions and received several
grants and fellowships including National Endowment of the Arts and the
Rome Prize
Bunkley originally began using computers as a design tool for
public sculpture. His use of the computer eventually evolved to
creating virtual environments, sculptures and installations that were
physically manifest as large prints, videos and rapid prototypes. Since
moving to New Zealand, he has had two solo shows in public galleries
and is presently working on an upcoming solo show at the Fisher Gallery
(“Te Tuhi - The Mark”) in Auckland for mid 2002.
BUNKLEY Web page